Bates method

The Bates Method is a method of vision re-education through relaxation of mind and eyes to regain normal, effortless eyesight, which is comprised of both central clarity and expansive peripheral vision. And unlike what you might have heard, it’s quite the opposite of eye exercises.

The Bates Method is about changing your visual straining habits that caused your eyesight problem. The way to see better permanently is to apply those natural, healthy habits all day. This needs to be practiced by first noticing and feeling the strain. Nearly everyone with eyesight problems is initially not even aware of the strain in their eyes and mind. Creating that awareness and attention is the first step, just like in any other transformational process.

Consciously reversing the habits and choices you made to get your eyesight to where it is today is the key to success. This is not a quick fix! And unfortunately there is none.

The Bates Method is an educational approach to relearning the habits of good eyesight. It is based on the principle of dynamic relaxation and of letting go of strain in the mind and eyes. Mental strain and tense eye muscles cause blurry and distorted vision. It is not a set of eye exercises. It is relearning and incorporating into daily life the habits of Natural Vision that bring back visual clarity.

The Bates Method defies the traditional belief that that vision problems are genetic or age-related and therefore unavoidable. Ophthalmologist William H. Bates has shown that eyesight is highly variable and can be improved as much as it can be worsened by conscious choice and unconscious habits.

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In addition to teaching The Bates Method, many members also incorporate complimentary modalities in their work

Teaching Modalities


Applied Kinesiology

Behavioral Optometry (Holistic)

Brain Gym

Brain Integration Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

